Work on: play B maj melody with EFg_AuMp7bo (G#min) for all 6 fingerings: Fingering 4 from 2th fret Fingering 3 from 4th fret Fingering 6 from 6th fret Fingering 5 from 7th fret Fingering 2 from 9th fret Fingering 1 from 11th fret Remember melody is 1 1/2 nots up from tonic key i.e. B for G#min ==================== [9:06:03 AM] *** Call from ruben diaz *** [9:07:18 AM] ruben diaz: G#m ..... The Andalusian cadence is made out of 4 chords or degrees as follows: Im, bVII, bVI, V7b9. Out of this 4 chords the most important one is the degree V7b9 (not the I) Im, bVII, bVI, V7b9. G#m, F#, E, D#7b9 3 9.5 9.5 9.5 (beats) ............ Chords: G#m = 464444 F# = 244322 E =024100 D#7b9 = 3x134x ......... A modal way play melodies over this chord changes is by using the B major scale we can find that major scale suitable located at a b3 up (b3th = 1t ˝) from the Im (1st degree of the andalusian cadence) In the Paco de Lucia´s style the notes to solve on a V7b9 chord are either the root or the 5th of the chord as a rule. (Ionic mode) And here is the map on the fretboard: Zone of B major Fingering 4 from 2th fret Fingering 3 from 4th fret Fingering 6 from 6th fret Fingering 5 from 7th fret Fingering 2 from 9th fret Fingering 1 from 11th fret [9:20:04 AM] ruben diaz: The distance between 2 notes is called interval. Then there is a diatonic interval (which changes the name) and chromatic interval (which does not change the name) example of diatonic is D & C# example of chromatic interval is D ^ Db [9:37:11 AM] *** Call ended, duration 31:06 ***