Work on: Learn 4 fingerings of Em harmonic minor Play scales along with Two Basic Chords in Solea por Buleria (viXIrJqex9A) Ex.2 ============================ Print this if you can Em Bm Minor Harmonic Fingerings user name and password is: paco3paco3 (to learn the minor harmonic scale fingerings use Ex 3,4,5,6 of the following video [9:11:23 AM] *** Call from ruben diaz *** [9:19:29 AM] ruben diaz: (4) Two Basic Chords in Solea por Buleria Solea por Buleria Am = x02210 B7b9 = x24500 Am goes on beat 3 B7b9 goes on beat 9.5 [9:22:57 AM] ruben diaz: ........ [9:23:00 AM] ruben diaz: analisis [9:23:08 AM] ruben diaz: Am B7b9 [9:23:16 AM] ruben diaz: IVm V7b9 [9:23:25 AM] ruben diaz: (in the Em key) [9:24:37 AM] ruben diaz: ------ [9:24:39 AM] ruben diaz: The Andalusian cadence is made out of 4 chords or degrees as follows: Im, bVII, bVI, V7b9. Out of this 4 chords the most important one is the degree V7b9 (not the I) *On Em key, the andalusian cadence would be as follows: Im, bVII, bVI, V7b9. Em, D C B7b9 [9:26:24 AM] ruben diaz: The degree IVm can always be treated as a bVI as IVm is often a substitute of the bVI chord. [9:42:32 AM] *** Call ended, duration 31:08 ***