Thank you for visiting my website.
Thanks to each of you for having the slightest interest in the music I play. After three years of on and off recording my debut personal CD is almost here. The final tracks are mixed and mastered and the artwork is complete. The initial run is being packaged and I will have product in-hand very shortly (week of August 13, 2012). See CD cover, below.

This project is a musical construct of 12 original compositions and embraces a broad range of stylistic motifs, from barely Bluegrass to brazenly baroque: all very, very original melodies with an amazing cast of supporting musicians. Click the 'store' link at the top of the page! I would enjoy your feedback.

My plans are to play a number of events across the country in support of the recording, as well as perform other cool music with fine musicians like those featured on the project. Incidentally, if you would like to host such an event, please send me a note and we'll work together to make it happen.

I also plan to continue recording original music, as well as complete a Cajun banjo CD for which tracking is about 80% complete.

A special thanks to my friend Bruce Snow for his website-creation expertise.