Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Lafayette, La
We are a Welcoming Congregation

  1. Why do we need a pledge drive anyway? Pledges help us plan for and meet our annual expenditures. Pledge and pledge fulfillment statistics are required on loan and grant applications. Pledging can allow our small congregation to build a fund for growth, such as paid staff or a building of our own.

  1. How much was donated last year? Donations last year totaled about $13,500. Average family annual contribution was about $500. We had pledges from 25 families last year that ranged from $100 to $1,800.

  1. How do we spend money? Currently our annual rent is $9,000. We pay $500 in dues to the national UUA and regional SWUUC, $1,000 for honoraria, and $1,200 for RE.

  1. How much should I pledge? The Ithaca NY UU Society pledge information states “Most Unitarian Universalist congregations anticipate an average of 2 percent of the income of its members, knowing that some people will give more than 2 percent of their income, and others will give less than 2 percent.” As we are a small congregation without a building or paid staff, a smaller percentage is likely appropriate. Still, you should consider your own financial situation and make your own decision.

  1. What if my situation changes? Your pledge is to help us plan and anticipate income. If your financial situation changes during the year such that you will not be able to meet your pledge, you may change your pledge.

  1. How should I meet my pledge? There are several options. Some contribute weekly, and some monthly. Paying by check to the UU Fellowship of Lafayette is easy to track for income tax purposes. You can put your pledge in the plate during the service, or mail it to our post office box. Some use their bank’s on-line bill pay service to send checks to the post office box. Also, you can make a recurrent payment through PayPal on our web site

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette

P.O. Box 2156

Lafayette LA 70502

Please donate, as you are able, your time and your treasure to support our fellowship.

Updated 8/29/2017